Made by creatures within the city

Food / Meals:

Desserts / Snacks:

Original jelly glow bites (tastes close to ube/taro)

Original jelly glow bites (tastes close to ube/taro)

Weird Snail jelly glow bite (tastes close to lavender)

Weird Snail jelly glow bite (tastes close to lavender)

Muku pop (tastes close to cotton candy)

Muku pop (tastes close to cotton candy)

Muku drops (assorted flavours-anything you want the flavour to be)

Muku drops (assorted flavours-anything you want the flavour to be)

Ghost jelly glow bites (tastes close to blueberry)

Ghost jelly glow bites (tastes close to blueberry)

Teary jelly glow bites (tastes close to mint chocolate)

Teary jelly glow bites (tastes close to mint chocolate)

Sluggy hammy glow bite (tastes close to…water)

Sluggy hammy glow bite (tastes close to…water)

Gummy mukuwurm (assorted flavours-anything you want the flavour to be)

Gummy mukuwurm (assorted flavours-anything you want the flavour to be)